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ARP Conference Presentations, Berklee College of Music Boston, USA

Writer's picture: Brendan AnthonyBrendan Anthony

Updated: May 23, 2019

"The Producer's Vision'

So on the weekend I presented at the 2019 Art Of Record Production conference, Berklee College of Music, USA. Mum hasn't been well so I was not able to attend in person. The greatest thanks go out to the ARP committee and event organiser Joe Bennett, because I was able to present two papers with my fellow researchers via virtual hookup. I have been collaborating recently with Nyssim Lefford from Luleå University of Technology - Luleå, Sweden on the 'Producer's Vision' and working with Paul Thompson of Leeds Beckett University and Tuomas Auvinen from Finland on a pedagogical case study of the Popular Music Production 'Tracker Producer process'. Was great to see some of the worlds leading scholars in music production attending these paper presentations: Simon Zagorski-Thomas, Phillip McIntyre, Alan Williams and Toby Seay to name just a few, and to answer some of their questions regarding my research.

A huge thanks goes out to Nyssim and Paul (YNWA) for presenting on our collective behalf and I must say the two pictures clearly show that Australia has a ridiculous time difference compared to Boston: 1am and 2am presentation times FTW!! These presentations are both being shaped into Journal article publications as we speak so in time (with much reviewing) they should show up on the publications page of this site. Hit me up if you need any info!! For those interested mum is doing alot better following an op and a few weeks in hospital. Got to love your mum...Rock on BA\m/

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